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The primary Rule set, which indicates how points will be calculated within the Contest. There is no out-of-the-box rule set which is already pre-selected. Points can be calculated based on actions, products, source value, and many more. The Rules conditions can also be multiple and combined to make the Contest more complex. Here are some template examples that can be useful for running a Contest:

Basic Scoring (cumulative) leaderboard templates

Sum of points from 1 action
This template is for any action that is sent to our system for example bet, win, login, deposit And many more. Actions are case sensitive.

Run a Contest where the points will be calculated when you BET 

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays any game that was selected in the Competition creation Products section
  2. Each time a BET event is sent
  3. The value of points is equal to the source (bet amount) value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products action adjustment factor for example: if the action adjustment factor for bet in a product is 1.2 then by betting 2 you will get 1.2 X 2 = 2.4 points. You can read more about the products adjustment factors here.

Sum of points from multiple actions
This template is for any multiple actions that is sent to our system for example bet, win, login, deposit And many more. Actions are case sensitive.

Run a Contest where the points will be calculated when you BET or WIN

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays any game that was selected in the Competition creation Products section
  2. Each time a BET or WIN event is sent
  3. The value of points is equal to the source (bet and win amount) value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products action adjustment factor for example: if the action adjustment factor for bet is 1.2 then by betting 2 you will get 1.2 X 2 = 2.4 points
  4. When player bets and wins, the points will be accumulative from bet and win.

Each event is sent as an individual event and not as a group. For example, BET and WIN are individual and are not a group; that is why the points from BET and WIN are accumulative in the leaderboard. That is why the rule ANY is implemented because ALL is for a group of events and not an individual.

Sum of points of all events from a product
This template is for any product selected. Products have to be pre-created in the CompetitionLabs system.

Run a Contest where the product/game is Fruits

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays a game called Fruits
  2. Each time any event is sent from the game Fruits is calculated in the leaderboard
  3. The value of points is equal to the event source value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products adjustment factor for example: if the adjustment factor is 1.2 then by betting 2 you will get 1.2 X 2 = 2.4 points.

Sum of points of all events from multiple products
This template is for more than one product selected. Products have to be pre-created in the CompetitionLabs system.

Run a Contest where the products/games are Fruits and 777

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays a game called Fruits or a game called 777
  2. Each time any event is sent from the game Fruits or a game 777 is calculated in the leaderboard of the contest
  3. The value of points is equal to the event source value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products adjustment factor for example: if the adjustment factor in Fruits is 1.2 then by betting 2 you will get 1.2 X 2 = 2.4 points. If the adjustment factor in the game 777 is 2 then by betting 2 you will get 2 X 2 = 4 points.

Each product is individual that’s why the rule ANY is implemented because ALL is for a group of products where an individual must play two products at the same time, which is impossible.

Sum of points from min or max source value
This template is for sending an event of any source value that can be exact, min, or max.

Run a Contest where the event source value is equal or more than 10

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays any game that was selected in the Competition creation Products section
  2. Sends an event that’s value is equal or more than 10
  3. Any action can be placed with an equal source value or more than 10, for example, “bet 10”, “win 11”, “deposit 100,” and many more.
  4. The event source values that are less than ten will not be calculated
  5. The value of points is equal to the event source value. The points value can be calculated depending on the product adjustment factor. For example: if the adjustment factor in Fruits is 2, then by betting 11, you will get 2 X 11 = 22 points.

Sum of points from min or max points value
This template is for sending an event of any points value that can be exact, min, or max.

Run a Contest where the event points value is equal or more than 10

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays any game that was selected in the Competition creation Products section
  2. Sends an event with a value that is equal to or more than 10
  3. Any action can be placed with a source value that is equal to the points value of 10 or more
  4. The event point values that are less than 10 will not be calculated
  5. The points value can be calculated depending on the product’s action adjustment factor. For example: if the action adjustment factor in Fruits for bet is set to 2, then by betting five, you will get 2 X 5 = 10 points. The logic behind this example is – bet five or more to get points in the competition if all your products have the same adjustment factor.

Sum of points from a range of source values
This template is for sending an event of any source value that can be exact or in a range.

Run a Contest where the event source value is 10 or 20

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays any game that was selected in the Competition creation Products section
  2. Sends an event with a value of 10
  3. Sends an event with a value of 20
  4. Any action can be placed with a source value that is 10, for example, “bet 10”, “win 10”, “deposit 10,” and many more.
  5. Any action can be placed with a source value that is 20, for example, “bet 20”, “win 20”, “deposit 20,” and many more.
  6. The event source values that are not 10 or 20 will not be calculated
  7. The value of points is equal to the event source value. The points value can be calculated depending on the product adjustment factor, for example: if the adjustment factor in Fruits is 2, then by betting ten you will get 2 X 10 = 20 points.

Each event source value is individual that’s why the rule ANY is implemented because ALL is for a group of events where an individual must play two events at the same time, which is impossible.

Sum of points from a range of points values
This template is for sending an event of any points value that can be exact or in a range.

Run a Contest where the event points value is equal to 10 or 20

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays any game that was selected in the Competition creation Products section
  2. Sends an event where the points value is 10
  3. Sends an event where the points value is 20
  4. Any action can be placed with a source value that is equal to the points value of 10
  5. Any action can be set with a source value that is equal to the points value of 20
  6. The event points values that are not 10 or 20 will not be calculated
  7. The points value can be calculated depending on the product’s action adjustment factor. For example: if the action adjustment factor in Fruits for a bet is 2, then by betting five, you will get 2 X 5 = 10 points. The logic behind this example is – bet 5 or 10 to get points in the competition if all your products have the same adjustment factor.

Each event points value is individual; that’s why the rule ANY is implemented because ALL is for a group of events where an individual must play two events at the same time, which is impossible.

Sum of points of an action from a product
This template is for any action that is sent to our system for example bet, win, login, deposit And many more with a Product of any game selected. Actions are case sensitive.

Run a Contest where the points will be calculated when you BET in a game called Fruits

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays a game called Fruits
  2. An action called BET is sent
  3. The value of points is equal to the source (bet amount) value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products action adjustment factor for example: if the action adjustment factor in Fruits for bet is 1.2 then by betting 2 you will get 1.2 X 2 = 2.4 points.

The main goal here is that the BET must be placed in the game of Fruits; that’s why the rule ALL used.

Sum of points of an action from multiple product selection 
This template is for any action that is sent to our system for example bet, win, login, deposit And many more with a two or more Products of any game selected. Actions are case sensitive.

Run a Contest where the points will be calculated when you BET in a game called Fruits or 777

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays a game called Fruits
  2. Plays a game called 777
  3. An action called BET is sent
  4. The value of points is equal to the source (bet amount) value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products action adjustment factor for example: if the action adjustment factor in Fruits for bet is 1.2 then by betting 2 you will get 1.2 X 2 = 2.4 points. If the adjustment factor in the game 777 is 2 then by betting 2 you will get 2 X 2 = 4 points.

The main goal here is that the BET must be placed in the game of Fruits or 777. That’s why the rule OR is used. To add the Rule OR you must Add a Ruleset called “Add the event points to the leaderboard.” You will see 2 of the same rule types where you indicate an action and a product as in the example below

Sum of points with a product selection and a sub condition such as a minimum bet value
This template is for any action that is sent to our system for example bet, win, login, deposit And many more with a Product of any game selected and a source value that can be exact, min or max. Actions are case sensitive.

Run a Contest where the points will be calculated when you BET 10 or more in a game called Fruits

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays a game called Fruits
  2. An action called BET is sent
  3. The source value is exactly or more than 10
  4. Any BET placed with a value less than 10 is not calculated
  5. The value of points is equal to the source (bet amount) value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products action adjustment factor for example: if the action adjustment factor in Fruits for bet is 1.2 then by betting 10 you will get 1.2 X 10 = 12 points.

The main goal here is that the BET of 10 or more must be placed in the game of Fruits that’s why the rule ALL is implemented.

Sum of points with multiple products selection and a sub condition such as a minimum bet value
This template is for any action that is sent to our system for example bet, win, login, deposit And many more with two or more Products of any game selected and a source value that can be exact, min or max. Actions are case sensitive.

Run a Contest where the points will be calculated when you BET 10 or more in a game called Fruits or 777

 The points will be calculated and displayed in the leaderboard when a player:

  1. Plays a game called Fruits
  2. Plays a game called 777
  3. An action called BET is sent
  4. The source value is exactly or more than 10
  5. Any BET placed with a value less than 10 is not calculated
  6. Any BET placed with a value more than 10 in any other game is not calculated
  7. The value of points is equal to the source (bet amount) value. The points value can be calculated depending on the products action adjustment factor for example: if the action adjustment factor in Fruits for bet is 1.2 then by betting 10 you will get 1.2 X 10 = 12 points. If the adjustment factor in the game 777 is 2 then by betting 10 you will get 2 X 10 = 20 points.

The main goal here is that the BET of 10 or more must be placed in the game of Fruits or 777 that’s why the rule OR is implemented. To add the Rule OR you must Add a Ruleset called “Add the event points to the leaderboard.” You will see 2 of the same rule types where you indicate an action, a source value and a product as in the example below

For more possible variations and scenarios of “Event points” Rule set navigate to Competitions and Contests -> Rules guide and read the content of Rules Conditions -> “Fact. Operator. Constant.”

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