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This tutorial will guide you step by step in how to create a basic Achievement with an action helper that has an image displayed feature. The image display feature is used in the rules for action helpers.

Step 1: Action helpers

In your CompetitionLabs space, navigate to Settings → Action Helpers

Step 1.1: EDIT

To update your existing Action Helpers, navigate to the Action Helper of your choice and press the Edit button.

Step 1.2: CREATE

You can create a new Action Helper by using the Add action helper button.

Step 2: Adding an image to the Action Helpers

From Step 1 you are navigated to the Action Helpers Create/Edit screen where you fill out the information of the Action helper.

     Action Helper fields

Name String

Set Name to – Win

Key String

Set the key to  – win

If you have an Action Helper with this key already created, you can name it differently if you wish. In this tutorial, we will display the key – Win.

Description String

Win action helper

Metadata Object
  1. Key –  has to contain a text – img
  2. Value – has to be a link to the image that you want to display –

Image example »

Note It is important that the key is all in small case letters (img), and the Value must be a link to the image, for it to be displayed. You can use the URL that is given, or one of your choice.

Step 3: Products

In your CompetitionLabs space, navigate to Products.

Step 3.1: EDIT

To update an existing Product, navigate to the product of your choice and press Edit.

Step 3.2: CREATE

To create a new Product, navigate to and press Add Product.

Step 4: Adding the action helper to the Product

From Step 3, navigate to the Product Create/Edit screen, where you fill out the product information. If the product already exists, just add the Action Adjustment factor Win that we created. An example of a new Product creation is shown below.

     Products fields

Name String

Set Name to – New Game

Providers String


Product Type String

Set Product type to – slot game

Description String


Adjustment factor Integer

Set the value to 1

Product ref id String

Set the Product ref id to – new_game

Action Adjustment factors String

By selecting Action you can already preview the Action helper with the image. Select the created Win Action helper.

In the Adjustment factor insert a value 1

Metadata Object


You can read about the Products documentation in detail in Products section.

Step 5: Achievement creation

In your CompetitionLabs space, navigate to Achievements → List. To start creating an achievement, press Create, to get to the achievement creation page.

     Step 1: Achievement settings

Status Enum

Set status to – Draft

Icon String

Select any preferable icon

Name String

Congratulations you won.

Description String

A value indicating how many achievements have been issued.

Initial State Enum

Set state to – Hidden.

Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 2: Achievement scheduling

Available from DateTime

Pick a date and time when your Achievement is valid and it is available.

Available until DateTime


Occurrence Enum



Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 3: Achievement entrants

Member Groups Array[String]

Leave as is – ALL.


Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 4: Achievement dependent on

Category String


Dependent On Array[Object]


Metadata Object


Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 5: Achievement rewards

Rewards Array[Object]



Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 6: Achievement rules

An example below is shown of how Rules with an action that has an image attached to it looks like

  1. The Main rules fact is “The count of events where the nested condition(s) evaluate to TRUE for the event” the Main rules operator is “is” and the Main rules constant is “1“. The condition match of the Main rule is “ALL” and the evaluation criteria – “TRUE“. After that you need to add a Sub rule.
  2. The Sub rules fact is “The product” the Sub rules operator is “is” and the Sub rules constant is “New Game“. The condition match of the Sub rule is “ALL” and the evaluation criteria – “TRUE“.
  3. The Sub rules fact is “The action” the Sub rules operator is “is” and the Sub rules constant is “Win“. The condition match of the Sub rule is “ALL” and the evaluation criteria – “TRUE“.

When selecting the action you can already preview the image inserted in the action in Action Helpers.

This can be done even without a product selection.

Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 7: Achievement translations

Languages Array[Object]



Move on to the next step by clicking Next.

     Step 8: Achievement summary


You can expand the Rules and preview the action with the image that was preselected earlier.


To finish creating the achievement press Finish and a second pop up screen appears for a confirmation of the achievements creation. Press Confirm and you have created an Achievement.

With this you have went step by step in how to add an image to the Action Helper and implement it in the product and achievement.

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