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Step 1: Transformer creation

Press Add Transformer for a new pop-up window, as shown in the example below, where you enter the new transformer’s label.

Transformer creation fields

Name String
The label of the transformer.

When you press the icon button Save the transformer will be saved.

If you do all the steps correctly, the Transformer will be created in Settings → Transformers, as shown in the example. After creation, you can Edit the transformer and the code of the transformer, or Delete it from the list.

Step 2: Writing code for the transformer

To enter your transformer’s code, press Code edit for a new pop-up window in which you enter your code, as shown in the example.

Step 3: Event Consumer creation

Next, you need to navigate to Event consumers -> Add consumer config for a new pop-up window where you enter the new Consumer information, as shown in the example.

Enter all the information, and in the Transformers field, select the Kafka Transformer. If all the information is correct, press Save to create the event consumer.

You can read more about the Event Consumer creation fields at Settings -> Event Consumers -> Event Consumer Creation, or here.

Step 4: Checking if the data is flowing

The Event Consumer is in Stop state by default. If the event Consumer is Active, you can stop it at any time.

To activate your Event consumer, press Play, and you will see the events being streamed in the Insights section.

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