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Press Add Action Helpers to get a new pop-up window, as shown in the example, where you fill out the new action helper information. Some fields are mandatory, others are optional.

Action helper creation fields

Name String
The label is shown whenever you need to select an action helper.

Key String
The key represents the original representation of the action where the name is a label that can be added as a descriptor.

Example – a member/player sends a lower case win event where the name of the key can be upper case. The key must match the key coming from the event stream.

Description String
The description of the action helper for players.

Unit type Enum
Action helper measurement type:
  • Other
  • Currency
  • Mass
  • Time
  • Temperature
  • ElectricCurrent
  • AmountOfSubstance
  • LuminousIntensity
  • Distance

Metadata Object
Optional reference information in the Client database.

Enter all the information correctly, then press Save, and the Action Helper will be saved.

If information is incorrect, the information bar will be shown in red. If all the steps are correct, the Action Helper will be created in Settings → Action Helpers, as shown in the example. After creation, you can Edit or Delete the action helper from the list.

If the information is filled out incorrectly the information bar will be shown in red as in an example below.

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